Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 1

Heyy Y'all!! I'm Jamie!! That's George!!


'Kay ya'll so I hope some of y'all have read this far 'cause we are kinda just b.s.-ing... Haha soo on to our first topic! Oh and I'm writing in Bold(:

And I'll be writing in italics. I hope I spell that right, cuz I'm too lazy to do a spell check. Perhaps we should lay out how we do this 'show' for y'all. This process is going to be harder than Bieber's d*** after Ludacris takes his shirt off for the first week or so.

Oh yah! Well, mostly what we are gunna do is just talk to each other and y'all sometimes haha!

You see, we do this over text.

Haha George you're so lame(:

I confirm... I am so lame. I hope you aren't going to be unable to do this one day, cuz I'm sure as hell not training Max to do this with me.

Rofl wow

We're going to take a break right now, and what that means is that one of us either has a knife sticking out of our back or we're out of creative fuel, and we need to talk in private a bit. Not to worry, you can just scroll down 1/16th of the page and read the read. Or, you can watch this music video:

Haha soo we are back!

We are SO back. Please tell me y'all loved the Rihanna.

Haha I did. Oh my, George we sound so commercial... Hahaha.

We sound white is what we sound, Jamie.

Noo, haha, maybe a bit.

When I said we are 'SO back,' I wanted to say 'and nowhere near black.' Seriously, though. When you look in the dictionary under 'white,' it says 'See Justin Bieber or George and Jamie.' God, that joke reads like my grandma's love diary. There's no juice. No meat. And I mean NO MEAT.

Hahaha wow George. So, I was considering the fact that George is just a TAD bit weird. Anyone with me?? Haha.

Okay Jamie. We need to get down to business, otherwise no one will want to read this. Did you hear about the JetBlue flight attendant who went biserk?

Yah, I did George, and I think it's really weird how he got as far as he did until they caught him.

You know... he got arrested, but I don't understand why. What harm did he do to anyone? Did he hurt anyone? No. In fact, a passenger allegedly hurt him.

Yah, I know right? Although I think it's against the rules to stop an airplane on such short notice and run away...

Lol, what's he supposed to do? Stop the plane and stay onboard?

... maybe, lol

Maybe indeed, Jamie. We're going to take another break and MAYBE we'll have a guest that even you don't know about Jamie, next.

Guest!?! Yay!! Lol. Bye for a second!!

Psst... hey guys. If you ever want to get in touch with us, please don't be afraid to email us at Jamie may bite, but I don't.

Okay, we are back with our very special guest... so special that even Jamie doesn't know about her. Everybody, meet Hannah!


Yep... that's her in the del text.

>:( hannah!!??! GEOOOORGE!!!!!!

Damn. This is why awkward is in our show's title. Well we've brought Hannah on to talk about (who else) Justin Bieber.


So, on a scale of 1 to 10, how annoying, to you, is Justin Fing Bieber?

From my point of view, hes EWWW.


That's a great answer. I should I just say bye right now. That should be our only question. No... we'll keep you around for a few more.


You used to love him though... what happened?

I dont know.

How can you not know, lol!?!

Lol, I don't know.

Wow... The smart blonde...


Smart being a primitive term

Well, on that note, we thank you for being on with us, Hannah. We'll come to you first with our Bieber questions.

Thanks a heap, Hannah

Sure, no problem

We talk about what a huge fail we are... NEXT!

So George did you have fun??

Hell no.

Good, me either hahaha

She's an excellent Bieber expert. I'd love having her back, but interviewing a person you don't like is so freaking hard!

Well yaaah! You would think!!

I actually forgot that y'all had a feud going. I realized just as I started last segment.

Nice Geogio

Do you want me to tell them the problem... or will you?

You can!

Okay, so Hannah and I were dating, and at one point she broke up with me FOR PERFECTLY GOOD REASONS, and since then, Jamie has been hating on her.

Heck no they weren't good reasons!!

Okay... moving on... does anyone want to talk about LeBron James? By the way, does "You Don't Love Me (No, No, No)" by Rihanna mention Stugotz? Maybe I'll play it during the next time out.

Okay. You just whispered in my ear (over text, somehow) that you're watching TV. What TV show?


Eureka! I just had a great idea! Why don't we end this before it gets any worse?

Haha! Good point, George, hey y'all I'm sorry I'm outta it, I'm just sooo into my show!!

That's okay, Jamie. Thanks to Jamie, to Hannah, Diego, Patrick, Alex, Lara (my backups for the interview segment). Thanks to Hoch, Mike Ryan, Roy, and Trevor (wait... what?). Marlins baseball is next (wrong show, I think).

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