Monday, August 30, 2010

Show 3 - August 30

In today's episode, George and Annah (from Red Means Go) chat it up. Later, Jamie takes over with a very special guest co-host.

Hey, it's George. Bad is memorable, so our guest "host" today should be very forgettable. Welcome Annah, the author of Red Means Go. She'll be writing in GREEN today.

Thanks for having me.

Thanks for being on. Jamie and I just love your blog, Red Means Go. When did you start writing it?

March 16th. I'm very excited about the six month blogaversary (I know, I'm totally gay).

Don't worry about it. I'm planning for my 2 1/2 month anniversary myself. Now... you live in Miami, right?

Yes. 17 years in the hot city.

Hot like Jessica Alba, or hot like hell?

Hot like Jessica Alba in hell? It's a great city to live in. But scorching.

Speaking of the heat, what did you think of Bosh and LeBron coming down to play in Miami?

I have to confess I'm not that really into sports. I think we've already had our championship so it's kinda unfair but it's great for Miami. Considering the economy and real estate situation here, we need all the help we can get. No jobs.

It is unfair that you won that championship (against my Mavs, non-the-less), but it certainly isn't unfair that the Heat have such a great team. Get off, haters! (On a more serious note) yes, the economic situation is sad. Too bad they don't have beaches and hot, half-naked ladies up in Detroit.

Detroit? Is it as bad as people make it out to be?

I wouldn't know. I get my B.S. from what I hear on TV. Something that I heard about this week was the big "Restoring Honor" rally that Glenn Beck held. Do you wanna risk losing a few more followers by commenting on that?

Sure... I don't read about Glenn Beck. And I rarely watch tv so I have no clue who he is. Except someone who claimed our president was racist? Lol, there that's 100 followers lost.

He's said a lot more than that... it's scary.

I have a few issues of Time that need to be read. I'll know more in a week :) unless you care to enlighten me. Now I just sound like an ignorant fool, eh? Don't answer that.

Do you want the sparknotes on Glenn Beck or what he's said?

Yes, please.

Lol. He's on Fox News. 4:00 central. He has a blackboard. And chalk. And a bit of an attitude. And he confuses people until they have no choice but to believe him. (Hold on, my radio just tuned out for no reason. I have to put it back on liberal radio) He believes that the Prez. is a socialist. He wants to ruin your life. And he's a white-hating racist. Overall, I'd say Glenn Beck is like my grandfather.

He sounds peachy.

Well put, Annah, well put. Did you hear about this Fidel Castro story? He thinks that Osama bin Laden is a US agent. He worked for George Bush.

Fidel is delusional. Just like Chavez.

What if it's true?

What if? What difference will it make? I'm a democrat, but what President hasn't promised a bunch of things they didn't deliver? No one's perfect.

Well it means that we entered an already pointless war for no reason. And of course... Presidents don't deliver ALL of their promises.

We need to just to keep moving forward. Our money is shit worldwide, I've traveled and lately it's incredible how worthless our currency has become. Which is why Obama is cool in my book.

He's peachy keen in mine. :) What do you think of our first lady's dresses?

Fabulous!!!!! She has unparalleled fashion sense. Best since Jackie O (my personal fave). And she's articulate and an ass kicker :)

She is, isn't she? I hate to ask this about such a great woman, but do you think she has a future in politics?

Well wouldn't that be *the* scandal. I'm not so sure she's interested in it. But if she were, absolutely. She's got that charm and of course, smart.

Well, it's been nice talking to you, but I need to go watch some Matlock. :) Thanks for joining me.

Interesting interview. Ciao! :)

Thank you! Again, her blog can be found at Jamie takes over... next!

Hey Ya'll it's Jamie and I have a special guest for you all! Say 'hi' to Trinity!
Hola people!
Today Trinity will be speaking in Italics, just so you know!
Why italics?
Because I'm speaking in the bold print so we need something for people to recognize that You are talking.
Okie doke
So, on to the fun stuff, what's you'r favorite animal?
Hmmmm a cow
Awesome, did you know that:
The smallest type of cow is a breed called Dexter, which was bred a small size for household living.
Cows were domesticated about 5,000 years ago.
Cows can see color.
Cows can detect odors upto 5 miles away.
and a 1,000 pound cow produces an average of 10 tons of manure a year.

No, I didn't. I don't think you did either.
Actually no, I didn't know those things, but I checked out a really nifty website called: and learned these things about cows!
You sellout!
What? A woman has to make a living!
Get a job, you hippie! Just kidding, i lesbian you, James
AWH! I lebian you too!
So, are you being stalked by a midget?
Yah, I think so, and I also think his name is George!
Yah I bet he followed you back to you'r small hick town
I beleive George just asked for you'r number Trinity
But don't worry Trinity, you'r not the first!
Ok Ya'll we are taking a slight potty break! Enjoy the music video!(:]

[Ok, and we are back! Wasn't that music video just great?! Anyways let's move onto another segment! Any ideas Trinity?
I don't know, meeeh
Ok, so Trinity what is you'r view on cockroach oppression?
That's a real thing?
Well, in this world that we live in, anything could be oppressed in my mind.
I guess i wouldn't really object to it. Cockroches are friggin gross.
Yes, but they ARE living organisms.
Yah, but what if they became sentient and used our nukes against us?
Even if they became smart (the word normal people would use for 'sentient') the nukes would still tower over them.
Not necessairly, they are really small and can move around well.
But seriously, how would the cockroaches turn the nukes on? With their imaginary cockroach fingures?
All they have to do is weigh down a button. You know the big red button that usually goes along with anything dangerous
the Easy button, as seen on T.V, is red. So, are you saying that the Easy Button is the cause of the bad things that happen in the world?
Hah, noo, thats round on the top, the Big Red Button is more of a cylinder.
Ok, i see where you'r going with this.
How do you see where I'm going with this and I don't? That's so unfair!
I'm just magical that way i guess(: haha
AA is a horrible web show. Just saying.
Haha, Ok, I see, i guess now our bloggers know not to see it!
Oh my god, guess what!
I don't know i just wanted something to say. Man, these mashed potatoes taste good.
Ok so lets take another break! See ya'll in a "New York Minute"!

[Ok, we are back! Didn't you just love that?! So cool how they get that stuff to do that! Anyways, welcome to segment 3! Last segment of the night! So, Trinity, how was you'r break?
Um, tiring, there was alot of stairs involved.
Haha nice trinity
How was you'r break?
Fine, my butt kinda hurts from sitting here so long though, hahah(:
Hehe, ugh that's funny.
So Trinity are you excited for homecoming?!
Uh, yah I suppose
Ah, so you'r one of the few guys who are excited, huh?
Well, i wouldn't say EXCITED... But It's not that I'm not excited, I just don't know who I'm going to ask yet
Awh Trinity, you will find someone, you just have to keep looking for you'r night in shining armor, wait wrong story
Yah, just a little bit and Jamie, I'm not looking for a knight in shining armor, but it's not like I want a damsel in distress either.
Weell, then, it seems as if we are out of time... Thanks for reading! I hhope you enjoyed our talks! And a special thank you to Trinity, and George! Now check out this last music video! Its one of my favorites!]

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