Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Show 4 - August 31

In today's episode, George and Hannah talk about nothing. Later, George talks about nothing on his own. Geez... we are terrible.

Hi guys, it's me, Jorge.

And I'm Hannah...

I bet you are. Jamie copped out today, so Hannah (our Bieber expert) is here to fill her shoes. Today, we're going to do a whole lotta nothing. I've got a whole page of stuff, and I don't know if we're going to get to it, cuz all this freaking nothing is in our way.

Ok cool!!!

My Yahoo! page just lit up with texts and chats from friends who want to be in your place right now. Even Jamie wants to be on. She's like "let me on. Let me kill her!" What is that like?

Haha! I love Jamie soooo much. She's the nicest person on earth.

Most people do.

Yeah.... hmmm. Hey do y'all know Justin Bieber's gunna be on CSI????? OMG I love him so much! I'm totally gunna watch it. :P .... Not!

Please continue.

He's gunna be some crazy killer.

Oh, that's nice!


So... you're a Belieber?


On that note, enjoy this music video!

So, Hannah. Do you know how many possible hands there are in a game of bridge?

No, I actually don't.

Wanna take a guess?



Oh... I just got the joke (40 minutes later). No, you are off by many millions. The actual number is 635,013,559,599


I know... it's stunning. Do you know how to play bridge?

No I don't. And... that wasn't a joke. Just my blonde thought process... really complicated.

Really? Oh. Um. "Awkward," to steal a line from yesterday's show.

I'm like totally blank.

As usual?

Whoa... who said that? That wasn't me.


Yeah. We will talk to you later. Thanks for being on. I ramble... NEXT!

Ok. So I'm riding solo for this final ballad. We're going to be having some guest hosts on during the next few weeks. Sometimes they'll be on WITH Jamie and me, sometimes with only one of us. Some names to look for: Lara, Max, maybe even LeBron. Who knows?

Isn't is funny how kids know EXACTLY what's going on in the world? I mean, little kids think that girls are coodie-infested weirdos who have big hair. I'm thinking... who took all of these kids to Las Vegas?

Anyway, my stupid jokes and I will be back soon (maybe not tomorrow, certainly Thursday). Stay thirsty my friends!

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