Friday, September 3, 2010

Show 6 - September 3

In today's episode, George, Max, and Jamie talk about aloe vera pulp, Tunisa, and super herpes. Later, they played a flawed word game.

Heyy guys and gals, it's Jamie, and we are gunna have some fun tonight with Max

Shit, I do that every night.

Uhhhh sure.... hello readers.... all three of you! Hopefully this will be a good show tonight. It is my first time to do this with Jamie too, so hello.

Oh, and I would like to announce (if George hasn't yet) that I will be a long term writer on this show, 'cause you desperately need it. ;)

Maxxie!!! :D

Anyway, I want to talk about Aloe Vera juice. We never got to it tomorrow.

What is it with creepy Algerian men and hitting on me? I just dont get it

Jamie, what the f*** do creepy Algerian men have to do with Aloe Vera juice? Why did you say that?

Hahah ooh if I had a Nickel for every time an Algerian guy hit on me...... I'd be absolutely broke Jamie that's weird. Aloe reminded her?

'Cuz some creep on Facebook was just hitting on me, and he was from Tunisa or whatever!

"Tunisa" isn't a country, Jamie.

Calm down, Sparky. No one said it was.

What is it?

I have no clue. TUNISIA is a country, though.

It's over by Algeria. I looked!

Well, I'm not good at geography.... I mean geometry. Sorry, geography I'm good with... and gay dolphins!

Great job, Jamie. And good for you, Max! Anyway, there is this Aloe Vera juice that has actual pulp in it.

Like aloe pulp?

I guess???

Omg... I took a fat quiz on Facebook and it said I was skinny!! XD

Do you have ADD, or do you just like messing with me. AHH! You're going to make me explode, Jamie!

(: haha I lesbien you george!

Jamie that's horrible, and George: that sounds gross. Aloe is like goo.

You misspelled it again. We're back after these words from our super herpes sponsors.

Yay! Herpes!

Er... ok lol.

Okay ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls... we are back! What do you say to a (very boring) word game? It'll be (no) fun!


I guess.

Okay. I'm going to give you guys a word, and you have to guess the definition. And then vice-versa. For each correct answer, you'll earn a point. For each point, you earn nothing. Good luck! Lets go.

What does "odontophobia" mean?

It means Max needs to answer this question!

Uhhh... French for sausage!

It's an English word, Max.

Hmmm... foot fetish?

FEX!!!! Lmao!

It's fear of teeth, guys. Neither of you earn the point. Next one... what is your big toe's name?


You know... I've been fexting this whole time. For those of you who don't know... fexting is sexting, but with feet. It's for people with foot fetishes.

With Alex, right?

Hell yeah! According to Wikipedia, Ricky Martin is a foot fetishist! BEAT THAT, BITCH!

Haha i know a guy who has a foot fetish... I will disclose no more info in that subject!

I can tell you have.

:D Haha Maxx! As for you, George... you're my new hobbit.

Wow our game fails so much that Max isn't replying to any texts! (BY THE WAY: The last sentence you read was written 30 minutes before this one.)

Hahaha yah, thanks a lot George!! Anyways, I'm gunna get. Thanks for reading! :)

Wasn't my fault! Thank you so much guys! Check for the weekend edition! We'll see you then!


(Now you show up?)

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